Maine Legislation Allows Spouses to Be Reimbursed by Medicaid for Home Care Support

By Valerie VanBooven: For More Info, Go Here…

Recently, legislators in Maine passed a bill that will allow spouses to be reimbursed by Medicaid for the support they provide. In the past, these men and women were not eligible for Medicaid reimbursement as a spouse. 

There are millions of family caregivers supporting aging and disabled loved ones across the country. Many of them are eligible to receive some level of Medicaid reimbursement for the services they offer. This is done as a way to help states reduce long-term care costs. 

When a person is able to remain home with the support of a family member or home care provider, it is far less costly than nursing home care or an extended stay in a hospital setting. However, in Maine, spouses have not been included in these provisions and couldn’t receive reimbursement, even if they were doing all of the same types of work that another home care provider would do. 

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